Day 12 – January 12

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.  1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 NIV

What is God’s will?
Have you, like me, spent more time than you care to admit with this question on repeat, as if it is life’s most complicated riddle? I have gone through seasons when the uncertainties are big and my ability to figure it out feels so small. It was as if my future was dependent upon completing a hundred puzzles, and I was not even sure I had all the pieces. But as time passed and I have grown closer to the heart of the Father, this truth has become absolutely clear: God’s will is not a problem to be solved. 

In Paul’s letter to the Thessalonians, he was encouraging new believers who were in he midst of persecution, but standing firm in their faith. In his instruction, he gives them a plan so simple, it might make us feel a little let down: “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances.”

Rejoice. Pray. Give Thanks.
That sounds bumper sticker worthy. You can probably find it on a cute piece of wall art in Hobby Lobby or on the cover of your new 2024 journal.  Seems easy enough, right?

But oh, let us not skip words. 


Don’t you wish he would have just said rejoice when you can, try to pray, give thanks often? That would have been doable. That would have been something we could handle…on our own.

Paul is not telling us we should just slap on a fake smile and be happy all the time. God wants us to be authentic, and real life will bring grief, sadness, challenges, and dark seasons. Rejoicing, praying, and giving thanks are our responses not because we are exempt from life’s hurts and hardships, but because we are in Christ. If we are not walking in an intimate and growing relationship with Jesus, these directions are impossible. If we’re putting our confidence in our own abilities, thinking we can figure it out on our own, if our faith is just an intellectual understanding instead of a vital relationship in our life, we can try and try until we’re exhausted, but can’t live this out. It takes trust and surrender that is only possible when anchored in deep confidence of God’s love, power, and the Holy Spirit’s work in our lives. When our faith moves from a superficial Hobby Lobby sign to fully believing and abiding in Christ, everything changes. I promise you, friend, it is worth whatever it takes to get you to that place. 

So –
How do we rejoice when the world around us is crumbling?
In Christ, we PRAY…and keep praying.
How do we continue to pray when it feels empty?
In Christ, we GIVE THANKS…and keep giving thanks.
How do we give thanks when circumstances are hard? 
In Christ, we REJOICE…and keep rejoicing.

These aren’t cliche-churchy-religious answers, they are life-changing commands. If you want to know God’s will, start here. Rejoicing, praying, and giving thanks are always God’s will for you because He is always good, He is always faithful, and He can always be trusted.

Heavenly Father, thank you that your faithfulness doesn’t depend on my wisdom, your grace does not depend on my performance, and your goodness and sovereignty do not depend on whatever is going on around me. In this new year, when circumstances are hard, teach me to pray. Help me to trust so I can rejoice. Give me a heart of gratitude in the midst of it all. Thank you that your will is not a mystery I have to figure out. I trust You.  Amen. 

Written By: Kylie McCracken


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