“Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart. Pray for us too, that God will give us many opportunities to speak about His mysterious plan concerning Christ. That is why I am here in chains. Pray that I will proclaim this message as clearly as I should.” Colossians 4:2-4 NLT
Why is it so much easier to make a prayer list than have a prayer life? And what does an effective prayer life even look like? Paul’s letter to the Colossians describes this after he first teaches us about the supremacy of Jesus Christ above all gods and philosophies. Prayer is a practical outflow of who He is: devote yourselves, be alert, have a thankful heart, and be specific in your requests.
Devotion addresses our need to prioritize prayer with synonyms like “wholeheartedly, steadfastly.” Paul’s saying that prayer requires our attention and unwavering perseverance; it’s not for the “faint-hearted”!
But Paul’s “thankful heart” addresses something deeper: our “attitude of gratitude” or addressing our Provider with worship. Psalm 100:4 says “Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise…” because it’s all about His character (Psalm 100:5), His goodness, eternal love, and faithfulness. His kingdom, not our agenda!
Finally, how do we make a request to God? How often have I prayed: “Lord, I pray for Mary.” But I stop there! Paul asked specifically for his readers to pray for “many opportunities to speak” about Jesus and his clear communication of the message. He aligned himself with Jesus’ mission and kingdom and God faithfully answered.
May I illustrate? You and I have the task of a grocery run for cold cuts and cheese. The trip is smooth, the store is open, no hitch so far. We approach the deli and a friendly face. We wait patiently for him to start slicing our meats, but he’s just smiling and nodding. “What’s the hold up?” we ask. He looks a little perplexed. “What was it you wanted from the counter today?” Oh, now we get it; we have forgotten to give him our request! “Meat and cheese, please.” But he’s slowly shaking his head. “I’m so sorry, I still can’t serve you. You see, we have many excellent meats and cheeses, but I don’t know which to slice for you. Can you please be more specific?”
North Pointe Church Family, are we approaching the throne of the Almighty God appropriately, with devotion and worship? If so, are we diligently waiting but not seeing prayers answered? Our Lord is not a heavenly ‘order taker’ but has infinite blessings and answers to prayer. His arms are open, delighted that we are seeking Him. But maybe He’s waiting for our specific kingdom-minded requests so that we can know that He’s heard and answered – and then give Him praise and glory for the answers.
Heavenly Father, You are high and lifted up above all gods and earthly things. We’re grateful that Your throne is always approachable, that the blood of Jesus made a way. We thank You for the Word that helps us to know You and to know how to live daily. Help us to develop a daily prayer life, not just a prayer list. Teach us how to align with Your will and to pray specifically with faith and thanksgiving. We love You, LORD! In Jesus’ precious name, amen.
Written By: Nina Ellis
خرید اکانت تریدینگ ویو ارزان و اورجینال از آس مدرک با قابلیت تمدید برروی ایمیل شخصی